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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Put all the scientists in Jail.. that will really help

Italian Scientists Locked Up

You just couldn't make this up.  How on earth are we going to encourage people into science if we risk locking them up for giving their professional opinion.  It will likely remain extremely challenging for the foreseeable future to prevent natural disasters happening.  So we really do need to encourage people to try and study and understand them to the best of their ability without fearing either jail or mass panic if they get things wrong.

We continue to struggle with investing in science as the benefits are often long term and not adequately rewarded by our current 'free' market economics.  However this example puts a threat of jail over most of the scientific community with no obvious deterrent effect whatsoever.

This is the 21st century and we need to move forward - this sort of behaviour is like being back in the dark ages.  I fully understand what happened is very unfortunate and painful for those involved however this sort of revenge and political action is just unacceptable.

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