
"Imagine there's no countries .... And no religion too" - Lets face reality and use technology to empower a move toward a global strategy and longer, happier lives.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

UK Parliament Works - for once

Astonishingly it appears the UK parliament has done something sensible and voted not to bomb Syria in a futile show of 'strength'.   Terrible as events there undoubtedly are it is generally foolish to get involved in a war that you want neither side to win. While whatever depraved thinking resulted in the release of chemical weapons it really is most unclear what random missile strikes were likely to achieve.  It really is a major issue that world leaders can find themselves end-played by previous statements into feeling compelled to either launch missiles or appear weak and feckless. 

What Syria and the rest of the world badly needs is a global strategy that lays out acceptable behaviour and plans for the future.  The divided nations meeting in New York will almost certainly never achieve this.  However social networking software just might!  We need to actively pursue how to get this working quickly so the global consensus drives decisions rather than the interests of individual nations and their political leaders.  This may in time allow the world to change focus from the long term survival of nations which appears to take priority at the moment to the long term survival of people which we consider far more important. 

We have not done a scientific survey however our expectation remains that if you asked a sample of people whether they would prefer their country or themselves to survive for the next thousand years then their country would come a rather distant second in the poll.  The issue we have at the moment is that the vast majority do not believe living for 1000 years will be possible within their lifetime, and it all starts with belief.  

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